Thursday, 4 July 2013

A Case Study of Emotional Intelligence (EI): Narayana Murthy – A Unique Example of Humility

Md. Abdullah Al Mamoon, PMP

Some exceptionally inspiring thoughts that I ever come to know from one of the richest person in the world yet very humble in his deliberation, expression and actions while remaining focused on the ultimate vision of the company. Mr. Murthy exhibited almost all the emotional and social competencies throughout his life.

Having absolute realization about ‘Self’, being alert and receptive on feedback and adapting himself to the changing needs while retaining huge optimism even during the hours of adversity in the inception period of the company are the most striking emotional competencies that Mr. Murthy demonstrated.

The hallmark of social competencies of Mr. Murthy is the pivotal role that he played as a rescuer (showing his empathy) during the emotional downturn of the cofounders and his colleagues. The company vision that he proposed and agreed by all is yet another exemplary exhibition of social competency.

I have seldom come across people with full range of emotional and social competencies as like as Mr. Murthy. While some people I found displayed ‘empathy’ but on and often failed to maintain self-composure (self control) during the hours of crisis.

Following are some of the components of Emotional Intelligence that I have found in Mr Murthy as a visionary leader:

Emotional Self-Awareness. Mr. Murthy demonstrated emotional self-awareness in many instances starting from his journey back from Paris to India traveling by road and experiences of being arrested by the Bulgarian Police till the last moment of the interview when he was very humble in saying that all his attributes were overrated.

Emotional Self-Control. Despite encountering every possible crisis during the setting up of the company including very conservative country rules of importing computer, Mr. Murthy never lost his heart and mind. He was very upright when he was kept in a cell of 8x8 for 72 hours without food during his journey back from Paris and maintained his composure.

Adaptability. Mr. Murthy was highly flexible in his personal conduct and professional work ethics. He accepted the harsh treatment of the Bulgarian Police and rather conceptualized the most precious dream of his life, which he materialized by establishing the 1.4 Billion-Dollar company.

Achievement Orientation. He didn’t give up in achieving and fulfilling the vision of creating the most respectful company in India.

Positive Outlook. This is one of the most dominant competencies of Mr. Murthy as like as the synonym of his name. He was always upright and positive in persuading the achievements of his dream – his vision. Even, when his 1st company couldn’t get through, he didn’t lose his optimism, rather accepted the reality and continued working for a company. Later, when he established ‘Infosys’, he remained very positive for a longer period of time when his other colleagues wanted to give up.

Empathy. His intent of making the people smile around him and working place clearly demonstrates this. Dividends sharing with the employees by empowering them as shareholders are the pinnacle of all the testimonials of his empathy. His great saying, ‘The power of money is the ability to give it away’ is the most powerful statement reflecting any type of empathy. 

Organizational Awareness. He established a nepotism free environment creating self-precedence by withdrawing his wife’s engagement with the company despite of the fact that she was one of the most critical contributors during the inception period. He ensured that all the cofounders get the equal chance of leading the company once it reached to the success.

Coach and Mentor. He coached and mentored people through his personal and dedicated engagements and hard works from the inception towards the glorious success.

Inspirational Leadership. He evoked emotional intelligence among people through personal examples. While ensuring employee job satisfaction and happiness, he, as the top boss of the company, had chosen to live a humble life.

Influence. He could successfully influence people around him in many instances. Convincing the cofounders to open ‘Infosys’ and then retaining them even during the consecutive 9 years of crisis moments were some of the examples of his positive influences.

Teamwork. He demonstrated him as great leader in the team leading the company to a great success and again proved himself as an excellent follower in the team by removing him from the top position and allowing cofounders to lead the company.

Pattern Recognition. When he founded ‘Infosys’ in India, technology was still a remote concept specially in establishing an IT business. But he visualized that IT would be one of the most promising businesses in the near future. And it really clicked.


(Components of EI have been incorporated from "Competencies as a behavioural approach to emotional intelligence", Richard E. Boyatzis, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA; Published in the 'Journal of Management Development')

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