Friday, 30 September 2016

Personal Branding of a Project Manager: Part – 3

Md. Abdullah Al Mamoon, PMP

In my previous articles (Part-1 and Part-2) I elaborated on the importance of personal branding and impacts of first introduction with new team and organization for creating a long-term relationship. In this article I will narrate the beginning of the journey while nurturing the base of establishing personal reputation within the new organization and the new project team. Well, these are definitely based on my personal experiences and understanding.

Generally, members of the project team/organization remain observant after a new Project Manager (PM)/a new member joins the team. There will be some people who will come forward spontaneously and interact with new joiner either as a gesture of welcoming or may be to indulge own credibility. There would be a few people who would come forward just to pamper the new boss! And there would some who may not be courteous to say ‘hello’ or may remain nonreciprocal even to a greeting nod! A well crafted interpersonal and communication approach is thus needed for a new PM or a new joiner to embrace such challenges and deals with these diverse groups of people in an organization to establish self-reputation.

I believe that the best approach to associate with all these people at the initial days would be to maintain a ‘universal cheerful gesture’ even in the advent of random eccentricities. Although this may sound ridiculous, but I am actually suggesting wearing a ‘mask of glued smiling face’ during initial days! This would certainly require having strong control over egoistic reactions in the event of any irrational or erratic behaviors. But I can assure you that this would highly pay in the long run, a dividend that would pave the way to establishing long-term relationship with applauded personal branding in the organization and within the project team. This is very important to create an initial image in people’s mind about you as a new joiner and also saves from ‘dislike’ or ‘disapproval’ kind of impressions at the beginning of the journey in the organization.

It is very important to be discrete while displaying appropriate interpersonal skills by being prudent and judgmental while reciprocating to people’s behaviors at the initial days. Any over or under reactions (being too sarcastic or naïve) may jeopardize the entire gambit of creating a positive image or impression in the people’s mind. I would suggest avoiding or remain very careful about the work life idiosyncrasies like talking much listen less, interrupting while others still speaking, questing before hearing the end, attitude of ‘master of all trades’ etc. during initial days that would most likely to create negative impression and would ultimately impede the process of creating a positive image.

People in the organization/project team follow through the daily routine and work life especially managerial and leadership competencies of the PM joined newly. The same is the case for any new joiner in an organization. Let me speak more about the areas of minor details – the ‘down to earth behavioral attributes’ that are important in new work place or new assignment immediately after the joining.

People are generally immune to changes. Any radical or abrupt changes would not be welcomed. Hence, it is not suggested to drive in any changes at this stage.  The befitting approach at this stage would be to get oriented with new environment and know the new team. For a new PM or new joiner, this is the time to get oriented with the organizational culture and traditions (and may be political environment!), human resource process and policies, study project documents, get introduced with project stakeholders, understand the level of power and influence of the project stakeholders etc. To be methodical, one can start own SWOT analysis while getting along with the initial stage of orientation with the team and the organization. It would be wise to keep the notes of own understandings and observations about everything for setting the course of actions in subsequent days.

It is also equally important to abide by organizational rules and regulations very methodically with ‘Zero’ tolerance. This includes ensuring office timing and timely attendance to any team meetings or programs inside and outside the organizations. Dress code of the organization is to be strictly followed. These seem to be very nominal and one may wonder why am I writing these when these are nothing but commonsense. Unfortunately, these minor details although seem to be commonsense but are seldom done correctly. In real life world, these minor details largely contribute in creating the basic image of a new PM or a new joiner in the peoples’ mind and truly sow the seeds of establishing personal branding in the organization.

Behavioral discipline and disciplined mind are primal to become a good employee, a good colleague and a leader to be followed. These also help in shaping up the minds of people in accepting a new PM and a new joiner with spontaneity. In my work places I observed direct reports and team members who started changing their own behaviors (noncompliant to organizational rules and norms) after seeing the PM or manager even without telling anything. These basic work life disciplines are powerfully contagious and work automatically in shaping the behaviors of others. Well, that’s what is all about leadership – the art of influencing the behaviors of others!

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